Zilog Standalone Programmer 2.4.0 (Build 22092601) ============================================================================== Contact Information -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Zilog Inc. Web Site: http://www.zilog.com Technical Support Channel: https://www.zilog.com/index.php?option=com_product&task=tech_support&Itemid=88 Table of Contents -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A. CHANGES FROM PREVIOUS RELEASES B. COMPATIBILITY C. SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS D. APPLICATION AND OTHER OS ISSUES E. P & L (PRECAUTIONS AND LIMITATIONS) F. CLOSED CHANGE REQUESTS G. OPEN CHANGE REQUESTS H. OTHER OPEN ISSUES A. CHANGES FROM PREVIOUS RELEASES ============================================================================== (to 2.4.0 Build 22092601) - Added new Programming view to program, erase, or verify target devices from within the ZSP Configuration Software. This feature requires ZSP Firmware version 2.4.0 (or later). - Removed the decimal format option in the serialization page. Serial Numbers are now only displayed as hexadecimal strings. - Modified support for F3224 devices to work around an erratum regarding the RESDCO specification being exceeded at certain DCO control codes as described UP0142 available on www.zilog.com. - Modified the Firmware Upgrade process to make it more resistant to power failures. The ZSP USB cable should never be disconnected while a firmware upgrade is in progress since this can leave the ZSP in an unusable state. In some instances, it might be possible to recover the ZSP Firmware should an unexpected power failure occur. For more information refer to the ZSP Firmware Upgrade document (ZSP_FW_Upgrade_Information.pdf) located in the <ZSP Install>\bin\firmware\ZSP folder. - Addressed the following Firmware CRs: CR13639 After successfully programming a target with serialization enabled, both the serial number and application image are read back to ensure they were both programmed correctly. If not, a verification error (-9) is displayed on the LCD. Previously, only the target application was read back after programming and the serial number was not verified. CR13641 ZSP FW detects an invalid checksum error (ZSP_ERR_CHECKSUM = -12) when Encore or S3 target programmed with serialization enabled if the serial number and Hex file address range overlap. No error occurs if serialization is disabled or the serial number start address is higher than the last byte in the application image CR13642 S3 target Flash at 0x5CAE is programmed with in invalid value when serialization is enabled and the serial number is programmed at an address that's not a multiple of 0x100 (to 2.3.0 Build 21092402) - Added support for programming Encore! Z8F6482 RevAD (and subsequent) target devices that disable the FLL after power on reset (POR). Erasing and/ or programming Z8F6482 targets requires the FLL to be enabled and the DCO to be configured to generate a SYSCLK frequency of at least 1MHz. Refer to the “Z8 Encore! XP F6482 Series Product Specification†(PS0294) for more information. - Replaced the ZSP Boot Loader with the Zilog DFU Boot Loader (to 2.2.0 Build 20081704) - Fixed programming issue for Z8Encore! 8-pin devices. - Added support for Z8Encore! ZMOTION devices: Z8F1681xK_2247, Z8F1681xN_2247, Z8F6481xN_2247, Z8F3224xH_2258, Z8F3224xK_2258, and Z8F3224xN_2258 - Grouped Z8Encore! ZMOTION devices under the “Z8Encore_ZMOTION_Series†Series. (to 2.1.1 19082003) - Added a prompt to erase the ZSP Configuration Information Area on firmware upgrading if the ZSP firmware version is v2.0 or earlier. - Fixed the issue of programming S3 Smart Options. (to 2.1.0 Build 19060301) - New features added in v2.1.0 of the ZSP Configuration Software require a ZSP firmware upgrade to version v2.1 (or later) *** BEFORE UPGRADING THE ZSP USB FIRMWARE TO v2.1 (OR LATER), THE ZSP CONFIGURATION AND IMAGE AREA MUST BE CLEARED (ERASED) USING THE ZSP CONFIGURATION SOFTWARE. ZSP FIRMWARE v2.0 (OR EALRIER) CONFIGURATION INFORMATITON IS NOT COMPATIBLE WITH FIRMWARE VERSION v2.1 (OR LATER) CONFIGURATION INFORMATION. SIMILARLY THE ZSP CONFIGURATION AND IMAGE AREA MUST BE CLEARED (ERASED) PRIOR TO DOWNGRADING ZSP v2.1 FW *** - Added password-protection (PW) of select ZSP operations - New security feature to limit the number of target devices that can be programmed using the ZSP via a configurable program counter (PC). - Added new Advanced view to configure PW and PC settings (to 2.0.0 Build 19021403) - Added Z8Encore! MCU Family - New Firmware 2.0 and Bootloader 2.0 B. COMPATIBILITY ============================================================================== Devices -------------------------------------------------------------------------- S3 MCU Family Z8Encore MCU Family ZSP Driver -------------------------------------------------------------------------- USB device drivers can be found in the following location: <ZDS installation>\Device Drivers\USB\ ******************** Important! *************************** The Device Driver installer need to be run as Administrator C. SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS ============================================================================== Supported Operating Systems (Validated) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Windows 7 32 and 64-bit Windows 8 32 and 64-bit Windows 10 32 and 64-bit ZSP Firmware -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please refer to the ZSP_Upgrade_Information.pdf located in the following directory for information: <ZDS installation>\bin\firmware\ZSP D. APPLICATION AND OTHER OS ISSUES ============================================================================== 1. Apply the latest Windows updates to the host system when appropriate. E. P & L (PRECAUTIONS AND LIMITATIONS) ============================================================================== TBD F. CLOSED CHANGE REQUESTS ============================================================================== NONE G. OPEN CHANGE REQUESTS ============================================================================== NONE H. OTHER OPEN ISSUES (NOT RECORDED AS CHANGE REQUESTS) ============================================================================== NONE